Tag Archives: r stevie moore


Ratatouille, day 2 — even better than ratatouille, day 1. (Full recipe here). Too bad there is no more ratatouille to see if it gets even better on day 3.

On a different note — I wrote a piece for Maisonneuve Magazine describing my favorite R. Stevie Moore video moments. I find his videos hysterical and it was a lot of fun to sift through all of his (bizarre) work. The piece was written in conjunction with an event I’m featured in on Friday, as part of POP Montreal’s Symposium series. I’ll be interviewing R. Stevie Moore at 3:30pm at the POP Headquarters — please come check it out! (Oh and finally, my friend Sean wrote a handy guide to POP Montreal for the overwhelmed. It’s enormously helpful. Check it.)


Rose early with a headache. Does anyone have any good natural headache remedies? I’ve been getting them chronically lately and they’re so distracting.

Leftovers from the Whole Foods salad bar for breakfast. A little bit of everything, but I really love their falafel, tabbouleh, artichokes, quinoa, roasted squash, edamame and flash-cooked chard. Happy birthday R. Stevie Moore!